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EFORCE (0065) ON 25/11/2021 @ 9.30AM / SKPRES (7155) limit up / VS (6963) limit up / INARI (0166) Trend continuation

EFORCE (0065) ON 25/11/2021 @ 9.30AM / SKPRES (7155) limit up / VS (6963) limit up / INARI (0166) Trend continuation

EFORCE (0065) displayed Buyers Intact with a volume done of 48,777 lots at 9.30am. Current price represent a Squeeze Breakout BUY and looked set to trend on continuation proper. Currently, price action is set on start of Wave 3, so you are quite safe at buy level.
SKPRES (7155) at 11.30am limit up and now retracing as short term punters take profit as I write. Do not chase but wait till full retraced and consider again. It is likely related to DYSON news cancelling ATAIMS business contract and moving to SKPRES that caused the spike.

VS (6963) may also be a potential beneficiary and hence, there is also a spike this morning after the announcement on ATAIMS.

INARI (0166) noted a trigger at 12.30pm and looks likely a trend continuation on a Pullback rebound. Volume done then was 156,044 lots. Still Buyers Intact in control of the market.

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